The practices of Reiki and eating well can bring about profound shifts in a person's life and outlook. I am delighted to collaborate with Israeli Reiki Master Rahel Warshaw-Dadon for this special weekend intensive, which will feature:

  • An introduction to what Reiki is
  • First Degree Reiki Training, with practice sessions/Q&A
  • Guidance on choosing the best foods for radiant well-being, along with recipes
  • Delicious organic Pranaful lunches and snacks!
  • Time to connect with others deepening their personal healing paths

Following this weekend intensive, participants are invited to stay connected and practice Reiki together via monthly sharings that will be organized as a group. These on-going sessions will be facilitated by Meredith and will include further nutrition guidance, and new recipes.

WHEN: Saturday & Sunday, July 19 & 20, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.

WHERE: A private home in Lakewood, CA (near Long Beach, off of the 605 freeway) - Address provided upon registration


Please contact Meredith with any questions concerning this training.


What is Reiki?

Reiki is the Japanese word for 'universal life force energy'.  We all have it; we can all use more.  The strength of the method of healing based on Reiki energy lies in its simplicity.  When this energy passes through our hands into our bodies, we use it to heal ourselves, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, eventually bringing ourselves to a state of emotional and spiritual balance, calm, inner strength, and joy.  We can also provide this energy to others so that they can heal themselves.  Though extremely simple, Reiki treatments can be surprisingly powerful and effective.  Reiki does not only relieve symptoms; Reiki treatments increase relaxation, ease pain, strengthen our immune systems, and heal the root causes of our illnesses.  With training from a Reiki Master, anyone can become a Reiki practitioner and treat oneself and others.  

 What Does Level One Reiki Training Involve?

A first degree Traditional Reiki course takes place over approximately 16 hours.  Most often, there are four sessions of four hours each.  These sessions can take place on consecutive days, or spaced as much as a week apart, or concentrated into two days (with two sessions each day).  The course includes the following components:

  1. Students are each given four attunements (also called initiations) that enable them to receive the energy and pass it through their hands;
  2. Explanatory, background, and historical material about Reiki is provided to help the students understand how the method was discovered and developed and how the energy works;
  3. Giving Reiki to another person requires only that the hands of the Reiki practitioner be on or near the recipient’s body.  Students learn how to give themselves treatments and how to treat someone who is sitting in a chair or lying down.  They practice these skills under supervision.

First Degree Reiki students can treat and heal themselves, and give Reiki treatments to relatives or close friends.  By itself, First Degree Reiki Training is not sufficient to enable students to earn a living as a practitioner.  Becoming a professional Reiki Practitioner is a more lengthy process during which students must continue working with a Reiki Master, take Second Degree Reiki Training, treat themselves regularly, and treat others on a volunteer basis.


 About Rahel:

Rahel Jm4  HShot 0810Rahel Warshaw-Dadon emigrated from the United States to Jerusalem, Israel in 1979. She has a B.A. in Physics and the Philosophy of Science (Boston Univ.), an M.Sc. in Biophysics & Molecular Genetics (M.I.T.), and continued her studies towards a PhD and conducted research in Molecular Biology (Hebrew University Medical School, Jerusalem).  For many years, she also worked as a music teacher.  A number of years ago, at the urging of her physician, Rahel sought alternative treatments for severe chronic asthma.  In 1995, Rahel found Reiki and started on her own healing path.  Soon after, she learned first and second degree Reiki, and started working as a Reiki practitioner.  In August 2000, she was initiated as a Traditional Reiki Master.  Rahel now spends most of the year in Israel and part of the year in the US teaching Reiki, treating Reiki clients, and directing the Israeli non-profit and non-political organization Reiki for Peace.