Ayurveda Cleanses: Guided Customized At-Home Experiences
One of my greatest pleasures in the work I do is sharing the gift of Ayurvedic cleansing. I have led hundreds of individuals through this process over the last decade, both individually and in group settings.
By choosing a customized cleanse, I am able to tailor your cleanse program to best fit your lifestyle and to address any challenges (physical, emotional or spiritual) you may currently be facing.
The customized cleanse package begins with a 90-minute intake consultation (in-person or virtually over Zoom), where we will assess together all aspects of your lifestyle, including diet, sleep habits, emotional well-being, current medical treatment, etc.
I will then work with you to identify the best window of time for your cleanse. A cleanse is typically most effective when you can carve out a window of time during which you can reduce your normal activities and responsibilities, and I can help you determine ways to seek the support you need to get the most out of this experience.
Before your cleanse formally begins, I will provide you with suggestions for how to prepare, including diet and lifestyle modifications that can best optimize your experience.
For the 7 days of the active cleansing phase, I will provide you an individual protocol outlining daily routines and menus, as well as all recipes, shopping lists, meditation practices and herbal suggestions. During the course of your cleanse week, we will meet for two 20-minute check-in sessions.
Following the active cleanse phase, I will provide you with a transition protocol to help you gently and gradually reintroduce various foods and establish new lifestyle habits to help support ongoing rejuvenation.
Why Choose an Ayurvedic Cleanse?
What makes Ayurvedic cleansing unique compared to many of the cleanses we are familiar with in the West (e.g., juice cleanses, the Master Cleanse, etc.) is its dual emphasis on both detoxification and rejuvenation. Most cleanses put all their emphasis on detoxification and can leave people feeling depleted and sluggish following their completion. With Ayurveda’s focus on restoration, we simultaneously release toxins and accumulated waste from the body, while also nourishing all layers of the body’s tissues.
At its heart, the cleanse centers around a mono-diet of kitchari (a delicious spiced mung bean and rice stew) and fresh vegetables, along with some simple lifestyle practices that can be done in the comfort of your own home. This is a cleanse where you get to eat until you feel satisfied, rather than depriving yourself of food or battling hunger. (For cleanse clients in Los Angeles, you can optionally elect receive prepared food during your cleanse for an additional fee.)
From my years of leading cleanses, I have seen people undergo truly significant transformations through this process. While I do not make promises of what you will experience, I have seen people rectify chronic skin and respiratory issues, improve their digestion and gut health drastically, experience less problematic menstrual cycles, manage weight, and find a much more healthy and satisfying relationship with food through their cleanse. It is incredibly likely that you will experience a sense of heightened energy, better digestive functioning and greater clarity of mind following your cleanse.
If you’d like to learn more, please reach out and schedule a free 10-minute call with me:
Kitchari, a traditional Ayurvedic stew of rice and mung beans is your staple food during the cleanse.