Welcome to the 2022 Pranaful Fall Cleanse!
Community Forum
Click here to access our cleanse community forum. Use this site to interact with others, ask questions and share your daily experiences. You may want to directly bookmark the forum site, or you can always access it through this page. Note: this link will only work once you have created an account – you can create your account here.
I’ve created a simple guide for using the forum here.
For those who are completing the cleanse at their own pace, I will be monitoring the forum and answering your questions there through the end of October. Please tag me “@meredith” in posts requiring my attention for the fastest response.
Cleanse Resources
Cleanse Essentials – click below to access/download each document. We will review these together during our kick-off call.
Fall Cleanse Roadmap
Fall Cleanse Recipe Pack
Fall Cleanse Shopping List
Additional Resources
YOUR DOSHA: For those who are new to Ayurveda and are curious about your dosha (constitution), you can check out this short questionnaire. While not as thorough as a complete assessment with a practitioner, this will give you a basic understanding of what your predominant tendencies are. I encourage you to save your results for later reference, both your constitutional type assessment (prakruti), as well as the rundown of your current state of imbalance (vikruti). Please note that in this cleanse, we focus on diet and practices appropriate for the season, which Ayurveda teaches is always a wise prescription, regardless of one’s constitution.
JUICING WITHOUT A JUICER: If you would like to include juices in your cleanse regimen (totally optional – there is a cooked breakfast option as well) but do not have a juicer, check out this helpful page for some tips on how you can make juices using a blender. Many past cleanse participants have used this method and reported good results. Note that you will need a nutmilk bag (found at most health food stores) to make the process work efficiently.
SNEHANA/GHEE CLEANSING PROTOCOL: To include snehana (internal oleation with ghee or other oils) as part of the cleanse routine, I suggest this protocol. (I will share more about this during our first call together, and like everything, it is totally optional.)
ABHYANGA (Self Massage with Oil): I highly encourage including self-massage while cleansing. Daily is ideal, but even once or twice during the week will be beneficial. The process of abhyanga helps to stimulate the release of stored toxins from tissues in the body, allowing them to be diverted to the digestive channel, and then flushed away. If you are new to abhyanga, you can learn more about the process here. Organic sesame oil is a wonderful choice for vata season.
TONGUE SCRAPING: Check out this quick guide, with a how-to video towards the end. If you do not have a traditional tongue scraper, you can clean your tongue using a spoon that doesn’t have sharp edges.
CHYAWANPRASH: If you want to try this restorative herbal jam as part of your rejuvenation process after the cleanse, my favorite brand is Lotus Blooming Herbs. (Note: traditional chyawanprash contains honey and ghee and is not vegan. The vegan alternative I know of is only available in Europe at this time. In our final call, I will give some ideas of other herbs that can be integrated for rejuvenation if you are not taking chyawanprash.)
ADDITIONAL CLEANSE RECIPES: If you need a break from kitchari, here are some other ways to enjoy mung beans during the remainder of the cleanse (use during Day 4 onward as desired; you can also use these recipes during the post-cleanse phase), as well as a cleansing soup recipe.
FOODS TO BUILD OJAS: Click here to reference the list of foods that help restore and boost our ojas (vital energy).
REJUVENATIVE HERBS (RASAYANAS): Here is a list of some rejuvenative herbs that can be integrated into your daily routine as we move into the coming weeks:
Triphala – two of the herbs in triphala are deeply rejuvenating (haritaki + amalaki). Continue with the dose we were taking this past week.
Ashwagandha – an amazing adaptogenic tonic herb. Wonderful taken as a powder mixed into warm milks before sleep, or you can purchase tablets.
Shatavari – the ultimate tonic herb for balancing female hormones and nurturing the reproductive organs. This is also wonderful as a powder in a warm milk, or can be taken in a tablet form.
Gotu Kola (Brahmi) – one of the most supportive herbs for brain health. Supports clarity and focus. I really like the tincture form, which can be added to water/juice daily. You can also find gotu kola as a tea.
POST CLEANSE RECIPE INSPIRATION: Here are a few seasonal recipes to inspire you as you move out of the transition phase of the cleanse and into your own meal planning.
Live Calls + Recordings
Kick-off Session Recording
Mid-Week Session Recording
Closing Session Recording
Daily Emails
All cleanse emails will be archived here for easy reference. For those completing the cleanse after our live period, I suggest reading each message on the corresponding day of your personal cleanse to help guide your process.
Pre-Cleanse Tips + Reminders
Day 1 Message
Day 2 Message (includes saltwater flush instructions)
Day 3 Message
Day 4 Message
Day 5 Message (includes castor oil purge tips)
Day 6 Message (includes tips for transitional eating)
Day 7 Message
Wrap Up Message (includes details on Stoking the Embers - extended support program!)
Daily Meditations
Access all recordings below:
DAY ONE - The Body as Your Companion
DAY TWO - Strengthening Our Resilience
DAY THREE – Wisdom from the Trees (with Kellen Brugman)
DAY FOUR – Somatic Belly Meditation (with Skye Weaver) – this practice is done while laying down
DAY FIVE – Basic Breathwork with Reis Paluso
Bonus: YOGA NIDRA PRACTICE – with Sam Bianchini (35 mins)
Basic guidance for setting up for this practice from Sam: Please be in a comfortable, warm area of your home, (I don't recommend outside for this personally, but whatever works!). Feel free to set the mood with candles, incense, sacred smoke, etc.
I recommend making a "nidra nest", as if you were preparing a space for your beloved to rest: you can put pillows under your heads/knees as you lie back, and have something light to cover your eyes as you wish (especially if it is super light out). All the cozy blankets are great!
You'll likely be lying back the whole time, so if it feels good to be a low-light area where animals and/or children can't distract, that may be good :)
DAY SIX – October 15
DAY SEVEN – You are a Place of Peace